Register for CURE

Ticket Types

There are several types of tickets available.

This form collects some personal information. This information is intended only for internal use and for performing actions related to event safety, namely background checks. The data collected here will be securely stored and never sold. We recognize that privacy is of paramount concern for an event of this type, and we will take all reasonable steps to secure and protect your data.

This information is used for the background check, and must match your identification exactly. Avoid nicknames, abbreviates, etc. This information will be checked against your ID at the time of the event.

Please indicate whether you will be staying at the host hotel, and if so, what type of room you would like.

If you are attending as a group, only one person PER ROOM needs to select a room type for their ticket.

Due to the limited number of rooms at the host hotel, all rooms are being assigned by order of request. Selection of room preference does not guarantee room placement. To handle this, everyone will be added to a queue and room selection will be processed in the order tickets were purchased.

This event cannot function without the many volunteers that work to make it possible. There are a lot of opportunities for you to be part of this event above and beyond just attending. We know that the Columbus community is service oriented and we have the volunteer positions to fill that need.

Position Descriptions:

  • Credential Checker (two hour shift):
  • Responsible for ensuring that only event attendees are allowed access to event spaces. You will be sitting at one of the access points, checking wristbands and badges of all people wishing to enter areas dedicated to event activities

  • Dungeon Monitor (two hour shift):
  • Responsible for actively walking the main play space and the secondary play rooms to ensure attendees are following the rules of the event and engaging in safe consensual play, including ensuring that play equipment is cleaned between scenes and that scenes do not exceed 40 minutes.

  • Shifting:
  • Responsible for moving chairs and furniture between classes and opening/closing ceremonies and the play parties. This will also include set up and tear down.